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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Mums and the things that they do

I was watching a small segment of blogtv yesterday and it featured mums who blog and explored the reasons why. There was this lady, a full-time stay-home mum, who blogs about alternative treatments for her child - I must say she has my admiration - to be able to cope with taking care of a disabled child and to be so generous as to share her alternative treatment methods via her blog.

Whilst fetching Nic back from the pick-up point after school ended, Nic's classmate's mum asked to exchange our mobile numbers so that in future, we can contact each other and check on school work etc as both our children are such 'blur sotongs' when it comes to homework. I guess all mums share the same worry - is our kid able to cope, happy at school/childcare centre etc, did the teacher issue locker keys, is there early dismissal and the list goes on...

Last weekend, whilst shopping around for a suitable reading book for Nic at Popular bookstore, I chanced upon a mum who also wanted a similar title - we split the bill as both of us just wanted to purchase only 1 book at the offer price (for 2 titles and above). Spontaneously, we both started a short conversation about our kids - what school, which level, their homework, the school activities, is silent reading effective etc. Perhaps that's what pulls mums together - discussion about their kids.

Fathers, on the other hand, rarely engage in such conversation topics, reeling mostly around work, career opportunities, latest stock market prices, new electronic gadgets, hobbies etc. Anything but kids. Mums chat about enrichment programs, where to buy reading books at a discount, what foods their kids prefer, which tuition centre has good teachers etc...

Like they say, Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus...


Aces Family said...

Hi Nellie,

Yeah, seem like all the same cases. Hardly do you see father's worries or concerns on the kid's schooling issues.

If ever you come across one...he will be a rare species.. : P


Louis & Eve said...

I guess one reason for fathers' lack of gan-cheongness is becos most of the mothers are doing a good job of being anxious and worried about their kids :)

therens said...

My ex-colleague used to make fun of this saying it's the TLLM model - teach and leave it to the loving mother (to follow up on...)

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